n He's an 18-stone, 6ft 1in former rugby union back row forward and he's in the running for Landlady of the Year Award. Peter Mackenzie could well make it a hat trick for Scotland today when the winner of the AA competition is announced at the Dorchester Hotel, London.

With finalist Isobel Marley, of Inverkeithing, Mackenzie could follow in the footsteps of former Scots winners and fellow Highlanders, Jean Manson and Christine Moodie.

Selected from more than 3500 AA-recognised bed and breakfasts by a team of inspectors, the 39-year-old ''landlady'' was picked out for his hospitality above and beyond the call of duty. So what does the Trafford Bank guest house in Inverness have that others have not? You are now free to blow your own trumpet Mr Landlady.

''Well, we do pick people up from the train stations and airports and cook them meals at early or late hours,'' he begins modestly.

But we have also heard your breakfasts are superior treats? ''Ah, yes, we do a good selection of breakfasts, from Mallaig kippers to porridge with whisky and cream, naturally smoked haddock and . . .'' Enough, enough. The salivation abounds. Though he'll admit to ''very long hours'', Mackenzie still has time to lay on food and drink for his rugby pals, who are happy to help promote Highland hospitality.

Confessing that each of his guests receives a dram at their bedside nightly, Mackenzie says: ''We're perhaps not the most profitable B&B, but we have great fun!''

For reservations call 01463 241 414.

n This should put paid to the recent spate of ''blind as a bat'' motorists driving down motorways American fashion - ie on the wrong side of the road. An independent initiative, claiming to be Britain's largest-ever commercial road safety campaign, is to be launched today.

Motorvision, which has the backing of the Institute of Advanced Motorists and the Road Safety Officers Association, aims to encourage drivers to have their eyes tested more frequently. Research has found up to one in six drivers has vision below the legal standards. Motorvision will attempt to address this with ''bonuses'' for drivers who have regular check-ups.

Those whose sight meets the legal requirements will be given the opportunity to have their car insurance reduced and receive up to #15 towards their eye their eye (just checking) examinations.

n Lloyd Grossman is the chairman, but do not let this interloper's masticated vowel tragedy deter you from the joy of Museums Week. This Saturday marks the beginning of a national programme of initiatives to celebrate the fourth annual Museums Week, with 1000 houses of culture, fascination, and heritage all participating. The three big themes for this year are Museums in the Community, Conservation and Treasures.

n Boris bops, Clinton cuts a rug, and Tony just looks too cool to groove. Unlikely, but the world leaders will be loosening the ties and going temporarily blank on matters international when the G8 World leaders' concert takes place in Birmingham on Saturday.

Eric Clapton, Sting, Oasis, and All Saints will be supplying the sounds to the men in the suits. Groovy daddy-o, as they say in Moscow and London.

n In the wake of last week's Fat Pride, this week we stand up and salute The Tall Persons Club. Holding their annual European conference in London this week, the vertical kings and queens will be celebrating and campaigning in equal measure, according to founder Phil Heinricy. The 6ft 8in former salesman founded the club in 1991 after being inspired by similar European and American ventures. ''I love being tall,'' he asserts. ''It has not always been easy, trying to live in a world which does not recognise that tall people are just ordinary people who do not conform to designer's ideas of what is 'normal'. My height has been my greatest asset, but I had to learn how to capitalise on it. I have fun with my height and would happily be a couple of inches taller.'' Discrimination persists in everything from the clothing industry refusing to cater for a taller generation to the Fire Service and

nursing, where ''excess'' height is seen as a handicap. It's time to stand up (groan) for your rights my human skyscrapers. The Tall Persons Club can be contacted at 07000 825512.

n The Church of Scotland is holding its annual General Assembly at the Assembly Hall, Edinburgh. The meeting will see the Rev Alan Main, head of the divinity faculty of Aberdeen University, elected as moderator of the Kirk.

One of the main items for discussion will be how the moderator is elected in the future. The current 61-man committee meets in secret and considers an approved list of candidates. Only afterwards is the name of the moderator released. Some feel that the process is secretive and behind-the-times.