CONTRARY to the statement on your front page (May 6) the Scottish Liberal Democrats currently have no plans to be in a coalition with New Labour.

We will contest the Scottish elections on our own radical proposals to improve health, education, transport, housing, and local government in Scotland. We want to see tuition fees abolished and greater investment in our education system.

We want proportional representation introduced for local government to clear out Labour's corruption and nepotism. We want further powers to be devolved to Holyrood and greater Scottish representation in Europe. We believe Scotland desperately needs a fully integrated transport strategy to help modernise our economy.

It is perfectly conceivable that our policy priorities in the Scottish Parliament could be far closer to those of the SNP than New Labour. Under these circumstances there is no reason to suppose a deal with Labour is the only possibility.

Andrew Smith,


Scottish Young Liberal Democrats,

1 Cochrane Street,


May 6.