MUCH of the hysteria surrounding the SNP's recent rise in the polls is wholly unnecessary. It has been shown in the past that opinion polls are invariably wrong. However, even if they are not it is not the end-of-the-world situation being promoted.

The SNP's rise could be their undoing. People are now forced to examine where the SNP actually stand on a great many issues. They are likely to find out a simple answer; they do not stand anywhere. It would be interesting to note how many people citing support for the SNP can actually name a Nationalist policy. The rise is likely a sign of contemporary dienchantment with the Government.

This disenchantment will not necessarily persist. When Labour's New Deal is fully implemented, the minimum wage introduced as well as many other schemes, the Scottish people will begin to see the productive and radical Government that they voted for coming to fruition. Support will then surely swing back to Labour.

Hysteria surrounding opinion polls is irrelevant. Democracy allows people to rightly vote for whoever they wish. If that is the SNP, then so be it. However, when people see the positive work and change that Labour is doing across the board, the polls will begin to take on an entirely different look.

Matthew Marr,

26 Netherton Terrace,


May 7.