THE Bank of Scotland is reviewing its position on the proposed deal with US television evangelist Dr Pat Robertson after hearing his controversial comments on video.

Until now the bank has shrugged off protests from councils, MPs, and churches over the deal, worth a reported #30m, and insisted it would go ahead.

However, after executives viewed one of Dr Robertson's broadcasts from his 700 Club programme, the bank has called for a meeting with the clergyman.

The bank's PR director, Mr Iain Fiddes, said: ''The bank is considering its position and a statement will be made in due course.''

Dr Robertson, who has been criticised for his extreme views on women, gays, and religious and ethnic minorities, referred specifically to gay people in Scotland in his programme, first broadcast last month, describing the country as a ''dark land''.

He went on: ''In Europe, the big word is tolerance. Homosexuals are riding high in the media...and in Scotland, you can't believe how strong the homosexuals are.

''It's just simply unbelievable... it (Scotland) could go right back to the darkness very easily.''

A bank insider confirmed that its representatives would await the outcome of talks in the US before announcing the next move. The source added: ''The bank is having a meeting with Dr Robertson in the States to discuss a number of aspects in the deal.''

Meanwhile, some MSPs are to raise the question of whether to continue business with the bank after learning the new Parliament holds its accounts there. This follows talks last week between the bank and West Lothian Council, which is still considering closing its #250m account.

A spokesman for the bank, which saw its shares drop 4% yesterday, said it had lost 400-500 customer accounts since the deal was announced in March.