A NEW report from Shelter claims that the health and welfare of up to 1.5 million people are under threat from poor housing. At least one million people are in homes unfit to live in, while nearly 500,000 others live in overcrowded accommodation. This report coincides with statistics which reveal that house building by local authorities has virtually ceased, while new houses started by housing associations throughout Britain have fallen sharply.

Our Health Service continues to be seriously undermined by underfunding and staff morale falls lower while waiting-lists grow larger. Our education system is forced to accept private finance along with the removal of the free education principle. Investment in public transport and local authority services continues to fall in real terms, leaving millions without access to quality services in reasonable time.

This is the sad and sorry tale of Britain's economy after 12 months of New Labour. The story is even more tragic, given the fact that the public resources exist to greatly improve the standard and quality of life for all our citizens through real increased investment in housing, health, education, and local authority services.

Total Government spending last year increased by only 0.17%. That means Government spending was virtually unchanged from the last year of the Tories to the first year of New Labour. Since prices have increased by about 2.75% this means public spending in real terms has actually fallen by about 2.5%. That is a very sad indictment of New Labour and its free-market agenda.

Councillor Tommy Sheridan,

Socialist Alliance Convener,

c/o Glasgow City Council. May 8.