Big is often beautiful but sheer size can often cause immense communications problems for many firms - and that's always bad for business, as CWS Engineering Services Ltd discovered.

The firm is a subsidiary of the Co-operative Wholesale Society. One of the top 20 mechanical and electrical contractors in the UK, with a remit covering Building Services Engineering, Building and Joinery, Refrigeration Engineering and Shopfitting, the company nonetheless experienced difficulty in growth.

Its widely dispersed staff - almost 200 of them - service a diverse customer base throughout Scotland. This meant communication processes were difficult to manage smoothly, which in turn was affecting business.

Three years ago, management decided to address the company's communication difficulties through IIP - but it recognised a significant change in company culture was necessary before accreditation was possible.

''We knew we would have to successfully manage a culture change in an industry which has significant logistical difficulties to overcome,'' said David Howard, Scotland's Regional Director of CWS. ''However, the emphasis of IIP on communications, training and employee involvement would lead, we knew, to better trained, better motivated and more loyal staff.

''Once these principles were communicated and acted upon, the service to CWS customers would improve along with the profitability of the business.''

Initially, with financial assistance from the GDA, CWS Engineers commissioned a diagnostic survey. This was carried out by an external consultant who measured the company's existing standards against IIP indicators, highlighting areas which needed strengthening and providing an effective benchmark to monitor future progress.

An action plan was drawn up, providing a checklist of required actions and setting appropriate time-scales.

''Raising staff awareness of IIP and involving them in the process was important, so we devised a competition,'' said Howard. ''Staff were invited to form small teams and create a Mission Statement for the company - the winning team received a night out at a restaurant or theatre.''

There were some problems. Not everyone on the steering committee appointed by Howard's team was immediately enthusiastic - even though a cross section of staff had been carefully picked, with an eye to gender and age.

''In hindsight, this was a mistake as progress was slower than anticipated,'' said Howard. ''Our advice to other employers is to pick committed and enthusiastic people to run the steering committee.

''The initial problems were overcome eventually. Communicating with our employees - most of whom were at numerous locations across the country - was made possible by the support of our supervisory staff.

''We made time for short briefing sessions on site, information bulletins were attached to every wage slip to ensure staff received them and senior management - from director level downwards - made regular visits to the sites and talked to the workforce.''

Employee response to the assessment procedure was positive and confirmed that IIP could work for CWS Engineers. Accreditation in April 1998 sealed three years of hard work, and CWS Engineers in Scotland is now regarded as the flagship for IIP within CWS Engineering Services. It's a success that the management team believes will aid and motivate the rest of the organisation to follow suit.

CWS as a whole has already committed itself to becoming an Investor in People and several parts of the business have achieved accreditation. CWS Engineers in Scotland - its turnover is now #14million - has experienced three of its best years in terms of sales, profitability and returns on capital employed.

''It has been thoroughly rewarding,'' said Howard. ''The process was time consuming, particularly when preparing the training plan and evaluating its effectiveness, but we were able to incorporate it into our overall business plan. People and resources are a focus now, instead of just finance.

''The GDA provided an excellent booklet which guided us. Their support was rock solid - they advised us, supplied information and provided generous financial support. We still had ownership of the IIP process, and we made it work for us.

''Every business can benefit from the sensible disciplines it imposes on management and from increased motivation and involvement of its people. CWS Engineers in Scotland will be celebrating this achievement with every employee - because IIP belongs to us all.''