STAFF at Greenock's Gateside Prison, where eight prisoners committed suicide in an 18 month period, have been cleared of blame over the death of an inmate.

Henry Smith, 35 was found hanging on August 12 last year, just hours after starting a 14-day sentence. He had made a noose from a length of cord which may have been left in his cell by a previous inmate, a fatal accident inquiry heard.

Staff at the jail admitted they had failed to clean out Smith's cell prior to his admission.

Pills belonging to the previous inmate were found in a bin near the dead man's body, but police inquiries and the death probe failed to establish where the cord had come from.

During the inquiry, an inmate claimed that Smith had been suffering severe drug withdrawal symptoms on the night before his death. But staff who examined Smith on admission claimed that he showed no signs of drug


In his written findings, published yesterday, Sheriff John Herald ruled the failure to clean Smith's cell had no bearing on his death. He also believed staff were correct in their assessment over drugs withdrawal.

He added: ''I am satisfied that the staff at HM Prison Gateside are aware of the suicide strategy operated by the Scottish Prison Service, have been trained in such strategy and that the procedures operated by the prison in light of such strategy are sufficient.''

Smith, of Renton, Dunbartonshire, had been jailed at Dumbarton Sheriff Court for non-payment of a #250 fine.

Last night, his sister insisted he should never have been sent to jail. Ms Jean Smith said: ''It seems so unfair that Harry died because of a stupid fine.

''There must be a better way of dealing with people who they know can't afford to pay a fine.''