n Judy Finnigan has left Richard. Gasp! Gosh! Shiver me This Morning timbers! Alas, this is not a separation of the marital but rather TV kind. Comely Judy is making tentative steps to fill that feisty mistress Anne Robinson's boots in the consumer rights and fights circle with her new We Can Work It Out programme this evening. Go Judy! Go Judy!

n Nice to see the lady back in the fray after her six month absence on the sofa with Richard Madeley. After the wicked rumours abounded over Judy's reputed gin- mix-up-with-water shenanigans, stress and marital strife the truth were announced by hubby in characteristic fashion. In a TV triumph Richard managed to combine the phrase ''particulary heavy period'' with an understanding smirk. It later emerged that Judy had to undergo a hysterectomy and after a six month lay-off and a turntable of TV partners for Richard, Finnigan returned recently.

n Moments we remember in This Morning history include: Judy's eyes agog at the streaker braving the chill to go full monty over the weather island; Judy turning up to work with a black eye that Richard mischeviously attributed to ''a bondage session''. In fact a fracas with a stationary mantelpiece was the guilty party. The quality moment when Judy turned to the camera and said po-faced: ''And now back to the kitchen where someone is holding Brian's plums''. Such a waste of potential Carry On material we feel, dear Judy.

n Though mercilessly pilloried for the paparazzi photos of a healthy-looking Judy on holiday in a bikini the lady is not above a little media cattiness herself. On the news that rival morning hosts Anne and Nick were being dropped by the BBC Finnigan said: ''We created This Morning from scratch and if you go out and slavishly copy a programme at the same time of day, you are obviously second-comers and you would be very lucky if you won.'' Ooo. I say, handbags at dawn!

Judy Finnigan introduces We Can Work It Out: ITV at 7.30pm