FOur years ago, Peterkins Solicitors wanted to develop its Glasgow branch but IIP wasn't the answer - until it introduced a more flexible approach two years ago.

The structure of IIP did not suit the structure of the company, which has one office in Glasgow and two in Aberdeen. But in 1996 GDA had good news for the company.

''GDA and Esteem had come up with the Milestone model for IIP,'' said partner in the Glasgow office Brendan Cameron. ''It meant the Glasgow branch of the company could commit to the process. We undertook modules in everything from induction to training and attended regular meetings to assess how we were getting on.

''We aligned our own training and development procedures with IIP methods. It was about formalising the approach we had been taking for a long time.''

Peterkins is a company which believes in holding on to a good thing. Its Glasgow office manager joined the firm 20 years ago as a junior, and 10 of the 16 staff have been with the company for 10 years or more. The secret of its success has been to let employees have a say in their own development. IIP was about recognising that - and rewarding staff for their efforts.

Peterkins is one of the few solicitors firms to have IIP accreditation. Camerson says: ''There are plenty of large corporations which have IIP accreditation. ''But it is an area which has been largely ignored by the professions. Perhaps they think it will add too much to their workload, but it won't. This is a small office. We've always been able to get together and chat about what we should do and where we should go - IIP simply means we make that happen on a regular basis.''

Staff at Peterkins' Glasgow branch are proud of their achievement. As for its effect on business - when IIP accreditation was received, the company also introduced Profit-Related Pay. So far, bonus figures have been met with ease.

''Gaining IIP has motivated staff to think more broadly than they had been doing,'' said Cameron. ''Every member of staff is encouraged to look after and take an interest in their own development. They also realised others were taking an interest in and recognising what they were doing.

''It has done away with any 'us and them' feelings and made us all feel part of a unit. It has been so successful our Aberdeen office has committed to the process and expects to join us in IIP status by the end of another year.''