A woman who alleged she was raped by a cousin of mass killer Fred West when she was 15 denied yesterday she was lying to share in the ''glamour'' of the Cromwell Street inquiry.

The woman, now in her 30s, told a jury that the cousin, William John Hill, raped her in a bedroom of his village home in the late 1970s.

She and another woman gave graphic accounts of how they were allegedly raped as schoolgirls by Hill. He denies their claims, and two other alleged rapes of teenage visitors.

Both women told the jury at Birmingham Crown Court that farm worker Hill attacked them when they separately visited his semi-detached home at Old Pike Cottages in the quiet village of Much Marcle, Herefordshire.

They alleged that stockily-built Hill, who was generally known as John, also indecently assaulted them in a garden shed.

One said she was raped five or six times, aged 13 and 14, when out for drives along country lanes in Hill's three-wheel Robin Reliant car.

The other alleged victim said that she was raped just once - when she was a 15-year-old virgin - in a bedroom of Hill's home.

She insisted she had not made up a statement to Cromwell Street inquiry officers in September 1995 when she claimed to have seen Fred West at his Gloucester home.

In her statement, she said she visited Cromwell Street with Hill.

Her statement read: ''John Hill would watch porn videos in (Fred West's wife) Rose's room with Fred West and then come out talking about the films.''

Hill commented about the appearance of people in the film, she alleged.

Miss Joanna Greenberg QC, defending, suggested that the woman wanted to be part of what she saw as the glamour of the Cromwell Street Inquiry.

Miss Greenberg said the witness knew Hill and his stepmother Edna Hill were relatives of Fred West.

She denied she had made up the claims against Hill because she wanted ''to jump on the bandwagon'' after bodies were discovered in Much Marcle and in Gloucester.

The woman also denied lying because she wanted money from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board for the abuse she allegedly suffered.

The alleged rape victims were giving evidence on the third day of the trial of Hill, 45, of Near Green Close, near Ledbury, Herefordshire.

He denies an indictment of eight specimen charges alleging the rape and indecent assault of four teenage girls between 1976-83. The girls were said to be aged between 12 and 17.

Two other women, now in their 30s, have already given evidence to the jury over alleged sex attacks.

One said she was raped every morning of a visit lasting just over a week. The attacks happened in an upstairs bedroom as Mrs Edna Hill prepared his breakfast downstairs, said the woman.

Another alleged victim said she was raped in the back seat of his Robin Reliant while out for a drive in country lanes.

The trial of Hill, a married man with children, started on Monday before the Recorder of Birmingham, Peter Crawford QC.

He imposed reporting restrictions due to legal and procedural matters. But these were lifted yesterday as the judge said there was no longer justification in keeping them. But he ordered the anonymity of the complainants must be maintained.

The court has heard that none of the women told of the alleged sex attacks for at least 13 years. As part of a general police investigation, Hill was arrested in 1996 and they were interviewed.

Jonathan Gosling, prosecuting, told the jurors in opening that the women made their allegations independently. They had not discussed the alleged incidents with each other before making their statements to police.

The jurors might ask why they had kept silent, he suggested.

''One of the factors was their age and that these things were happening to them in a rather remote spot,'' he added.

People who had been abused tended not to want to shout it ''from the roof tops'', said Mr Gosling.

The trial continues.