AMBITIOUS plans have been unveiled to secure the future of the historic Garrison House in Millport which local people feared would fall into disrepair.

A packed public meeting in the Clyde island town heard a variety of proposals which included private housing, a church hostel and a health centre.

The meeting, chaired by Johnny Dumfries, the racing driver and present Marquess of Bute, was attended by over 300 local people as well as members and officials of North Ayrshire Council.

There was considerable public anger when the council put the Garrison, which housed its offices as well as a library and museum, into mothballs until plans could be worked out for its development.

The council said that insurance for the building was becoming prohibitive and found temporary accommodation in the local tourist information centre.

The local people gave overwhelming backing to a plan which would provide accommodation run by the Scottish Episcopal Church, which is responsible for the Cathedral of the Isles in Millport, as well as the continuation of council office accommodation, library and museum. A health centre to replace the limited doctors' accommodation in the town is also in the outline plan.

There are also proposals from the council to landscape the Garrison grounds and provide limited sports facilities for the local people and thousands of visitors who swell the population in the summer months. A plan to turn it into flats valued at around #60,000 won no support.

Local councillor Robert Rae said: ''I believe this is an excellent start to what will undoubtedly be a long and difficult process to restore the Garrison.

''The council has agreed to provide #200,000 which we see as pump priming money. Now we will have to seek the backing of a wide range of agencies including Scottish National Heritage, the local enterprise companies and the Heritage Lottery Fund.''

Councillor Rae added: ''The meeting was well attended and the Marquess chaired it efficiently as well as showing a genuine interest in the future of the Garrison. Early estimates put the cost of the whole project at around #5.6m so it is quite clear we will have to put the hat round in a big way.''

A steering group consisting of a wide variety of local people has been set up to monitor the progress of the scheme and advise interested parties.