THE Scottish Parliament should not have its hands tied by decisions made by the Government at Westminster in the run-up to next year's elections, the Scottish Liberal Democrats have argued, writes Frances Horsburgh.

In a letter to Cabinet Secretary Sir Richard Wilson, SLD leader Jim Wallace calls for a moratorium on all Government initiatives in devolved areas of power in the immediate period before the Scottish Parliamentary elections in May 1999. This would be similar to the convention which operates after a General Election has been announced.

Mr Wallace has also written to Scottish Secretary Donald Dewar specifically asking him to delay any final decision about the public-private finance partnership proposed for building the new Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh. Agreement for such a project, he claims, could tie the Scottish Parliament to a financial commitment for up to 30 years.

''The whole point of having a Scottish Parliament is that Scotland should have the power and responsibility to make decisions for ourselves,'' said Mr Wallace. I am not suggesting that the machinery of Government goes into cold storage for a year but in the immediate run up to the election, there is no need for the Government to initiate new action which will bind the Scottish Parliament.''

Mr Wallace has suggested to the Cabinet Secretary that there should be all-party consultations to decide from which date the moratorium should operate.