was greatly concerned to hear of India's recent nuclear tests, having recently returned from Rajasthan, where I believe the tests were carried out. The Great Indian Desert site is only 300 miles south-west of New Delhi, and some 150 miles from Jaipur, one of the corners of the much proclaimed tourism ''Golden Triangle'', which includes the Taj Mahal. Were tourists informed of their proximity to live nuclear tests on their arrival in India or Jaipur?

One can imagine the outrage in the UK, if the Government were to conduct dubious nuclear experiments at Dounreay.

Will the Foreign Office be cautioning people against visiting Rajasthan or does it consider this to be a safe practice? Similarly, would the Indian Consul General advise people to avoid Scotland if he were aware of live nuclear testing at Dounreay ?

Hamish Mitchell,

12 Dean Road, Kilmarnock. May 12.