Gregor Townsend is set to sign for former European Cup holders Brive in the immediate wake of fellow Scottish stand-off Mark McKenzie's agreement to join the former European Cup holders' rivals, Bourgoin, writes Kevin Ferrie and John Beattie.

Townsend had originally been expected to be making the move to Bourgoin, but reports from France now are that he could join Brive today.

Meanwhile, McKenzie's move, along with a substantial offer from Bourgoin to his Stirling County clubmate James McLaren, effectively fires a shot across the bows of the SRU's contract negotiators.

In one fell swoop the offers to the pair demonstrate that there is an external market for those players who were expected to boost the domestic club scene with their return, as well as suggesting that there is no guarantee that players will accept the SRU contracts being offered.

Both men took part in a trial match for Bourgoin against a full- strength Brive side on Wednesday.

McLaren played only 15 minutes before suffering a suspected broken nose making a tackle on

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the French internationalist centre Christophe Lamaison. McKenzie impressed playing alongside another French Test midfield man, Stefan Glas, scoring 11 points, including a try, in a 36-19 win.

''It really is a huge challenge,'' McKenzie said last night. ''But it was one that I simply couldn't turn down, especially having been overlooked for an SRU contract. We got a great reception and after the game supporters were asking for autographs and asking to be photographed with us. It was a bit of a change from what we're used to.

''It's a fantastic package, the basic salary, match fees, a car, a flat, French lessons, insurance, and medical cover.''

They were also paid a compliment by Glas, since, although he is a product of the Bourgoin club, he had been threatening to leave if he wasn't given the right quality of player around him.

''We got the impression that Glas had the final say and that if he didn't like us, we wouldn't be made an offer,'' said McKenzie.

He and McLaren made their initial approach to Bourgoin through personal contacts but brought in agent Alex McLaughlin to negotiate the deal. Though, unlike McKenzie, he is not under SRU contract, McLaren had been made an offer for next season.

''As a married man with a five- month-old baby, Jim is in a different situation,'' McLaughlin explained. ''He is considering his options.''