Even innovative biomedical products will not sell themselves but Sorbie Research has adapted its marketing methods to make its staff of 10 far more effective.

Custom-written software for customer contacts means it can make between 300 and 400 customer contacts a day compared to the traditional travelling rep approach which results in only 15 to 20 contacts.

Its database grew from 2000 potential customers to more than 5000 in only six months and is now nearer to 10,000. Turnover grew from #4000 in 1995 to #500,000 last year and is expected to reach #1m next year.

Janice Mitchell, Sorbie's operations director, who worked with Britannia Airways for 15 years, and was a senior stewardess, is committed to Investors in People, ''which assures staff monitoring and motivation.

''It enables members of staff and management to see what is required to ensure advancement, providing the internal building blocks for the infrastructure of the business as it grows.''

The couple see the range of products increasing from 120 to around 250, although a computer tracking system enables them to use just in time inventory control to minimise the amount of capital tied up in stock.

As the range is largely impulse purchase, they intend to increase the number of in-store stands and work with larger pharmacy chains to have their products planned in when stores are being refurbished.

By the beginning of next year they want to have an agent appointed in each European country using contacts made at medical shows and on trade missions.

''Of course there are risks,'' said Mitchell, ''but we believe we can duplicate our success in other countries.''