A mother of twins who were born prematurely has been awarded #3000 for injury to her feelings after being sacked by the company she had worked with for 18 years.

Audrey Brown, of Roman Place, Lochview Estate, Bellshill, won her unfair dismissal and sex discrimination case against IBS (Tapes) Ltd of Glenburn Road, East Kilbride.

An industrial tribunal in Glasgow heard that Mrs Brown had continued working as a credit controller with the company, which distributes adhesive tapes, until her twin boys were born on March 14 last year, 11 weeks' premature.

Mrs Brown, 34, told the tribunal that managing director Mr Brian Bateman was not a man who stuck to official rules and had not bothered about a contract of employment.

Last August, one of the babies had an operation. It was not successful. When she called at the office she found a new junior had started at reception and another worker was doing her job.

She wrote to Mr Bateman on September 1, enclosing a medical certificate. She had been signed off for four weeks, suffering from depression.

She phoned Mr Bateman, who told her it was not his intention that she would come back.

He subsequently wrote to her, saying she had failed to give 21 days' notice of her intention to return to work and had terminated her employment.

However, the tribunal heard that Mrs Brown's maternity period did not expire until October 3.

The company denied that Mrs Brown was unfairly dismissed or discriminated against on the grounds of her sex, and denied Mr Bateman made any comments suggesting she should not be returning to work.

The tribunal heard one of the babies was under weight and behind for his age, the other had cerebral palsy, was blind and was going to be in a wheelchair.

In its findings the tribunal accepted that Mr Bateman, 68, was being truthful, but said he showed a degree of confusion and misunderstanding during his evidence. The tribunal noted he had shown considerable generosity to Mrs Brown, both in the past and during her maternity leave.

The tribunal said Mrs Brown's dismissal was extremely hurtful and distressing to her after 18 years' service. She was awarded #3000 for injury to her feelings and a further #166 interest. The tribunal continued the case to assess further compensation and the possibility of reinstatement.