AT a public meeting prior to the last General Election a lady sitting next to me asked Labour MP Donald Dewar if he would promise to do away with water quangos if the Labour Party won the General Election. Donald Dewar assured her with a pledge to do so. The Labour Party duly won and Donald Dewar became Scottish Secretary.

Instead of doing away with quangos, the first thing he did was to extend the contract of Chairman John Jamieson of the West of Scotland Water Board for yet another year.

Then there was the crisis of the poisoned water in December 1997, affecting nearly 20,000 people when diesel fuel was mixed into the main water supply, while the chief executive was on a tropical island sunning himself and refused to break his holiday for this emergency.

The people of Scotland voted for these quangos to be handed back to local authorities. No wonder Scottish Labour voters are now switching to the SNP, as the New Labour Party in Scotland are no longer keeping their promises.

Eric Nelson,

23 Bassett Crescent, Glasgow. May 15.