Partick Thistle Update

Partick Thistle yesterday were at the centre of another major crisis after stunning their fans with financial cutbacks . . . and the outcome was that manager John McVeigh and assistant Peter Hetherston left the club.

Not only that, but all players over 24 and out of contract were told they were free to go and their contracts were not being renewed.

The decision came unanimously from the board and last night chairman Brown McMaster said: ''We are now on the search for a new manager to take over.''

In a hard-hitting statement the board said the club had just gone through the ''most traumatic season in its history both on and off the park''. And while pointing out that the survival of the club is paramount stated that the only source of finance for players from now on will have to come from within the club's operational activitities including gate money, season tickets and better utilisation of the stadium.

It continued: ''Unfortunatley, a number of sources of income will take time to come to fruition and, in the meantime, to avoid jeopardising the existance of the club the directors must implement stringent cutbacks on the playing side similar to those implemented off the field at the onset of the crisis.

''The board have unanimously agreed that all players over 24 and out of contract will not have their contracts renewed. In addition the team coach and his assistant will not have their contracts continued.

''The board is aware these decisions will be unpopular with a number of fans who have helped save the club. However, the Bosman decision and the Taylor Report are now causing serious financial difficulties to clubs like ours. Both of these result in substantial additional costs with no prospect of income and the breakaway Super League effectively means that the vast bulk of television revenue will now go to a small number of clubs. The aim of Partick has to be restructure, become financially sound, with a view to regaining the top flight in Scottish football as early as possible.''

q FORMER Thistle manager John Lambie last night backed old club's decision to clear out Firhill.

Lambie, who is currently out of football, said: ''Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. When you need a clean sweep you use a new broom and that is what Thistle must do.''