Just over one month ago you published several letters regarding the destruction of large parts of Ayrshire through opencast mining and the part played by the ruling Labour Group of East Ayrshire Council in the granting of planning applications to allow such mining.

I focused upon the vested interests of Labour councillors in the planning process, and in particular that of East Ayrshire Labour Group leader Councillor David Sneller who is a paid consultant of Scottish Coal and, I believe, previous to that, of British Coal.

The correspondence was set in the context of 30 successful and two rejected opencast mining applications. Councillor Sneller assured us that (April 1), ''At every single planning meeting or public meeting I have made my position quite clear and even in situations where there is absolutely no possibility of any conflict of interests, I have still left meetings or discussions involving opencast mining''.

Furthermore, East Ayrshire Group Secretary Jim O'Neill stated that (March 26) ''For the record, on planning matters there are no party whips or caucuses . . . Indeed, any such action is specifically excluded by our rules, and would be the subject of immediate disciplinary action if this rule was broken''.

Can Councillor Sneller account therefore why, while in the employment of the coal industry, his presence is recorded in the minutes of several planning meetings directly related to opencast planning applications in the old Cumnock and Doon Valley District Council? No mention in these minutes of Councillor Sneller declaring an interest and leaving the meeting.

Perhaps he can explain why, in an article of the industry magazine Opencast Mining '97, it is stated: ''The area surrounding Cumnock in Ayrshire is set to become the ''engine house'' of the opencast industry for the foreseeable future. Reasons for this include the favourable planning climate . . .''

Does the opencast coal industry know something that we do not ?

Can Councillor Sneller further explain why, in the same article while discussing an opencast coal processing facility near Auchinleck, it is stated: ''Planning permission has not been applied for, but discussions are in progress with East Ayrshire Council, which has given its support to the project in principle''.

How can this be, if the Labour Group rules regarding planning applications as stated by Councillor O'Neill above apply ?

Do Councillor Sneller, Councillor O'Neill, and their like in the East Ayrshire Labour Group take the people of Ayrshire for mugs ?

Dr Brian McNeil,

23 Main Street,

Dunlop, Ayrshire. May 12.