''AND in my name you shall go and take money from the poor to help the rich and to build idols of grandeur.'' That's not quite the gospel message taught by Jesus Christ or the commission given to the Church to help the poor.

I believe the General Assembly of 1998 will be looked back upon in history as a sad day for the Church of Scotland when it responded to the voice of the world rather than the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible shows very clearly throughout its pages that when the kings and rulers of the nations robbed the poor the nation incurred God's wrath and lost out on the blessings God desired to deliver to His people.

Christianity teaches of a providing God who can be trusted to provide for all our needs and I believe this General Assembly has highlighted the true spiritual state of our Church today in the western world.

I wonder if our generation in the Church will be regarded historically as those who built and maintained buildings instead of helping to build the kingdon of God.

I hope and pray that others who share my concern will respond by praying for mercy and grace for our nation and continue to trust in the great provider for all our needs.

Rev Billy Kelly,

Troqueer Manse, Dumfries. May 19.