British Airways last night brushed off a new public statement by the US Justice Department opposing its long-delayed partnership with American Airlines.

''This is just another step along the regulatory road,'' said a spokeswoman in London.

The US Justice Department had made public its comments to the US Department of Transportation, claiming the proposed deal could significantly reduce airline competition between the US and Britain.

It would result in transatlantic air travellers paying ''significantly higher fares'', Assistant Attorney-General Joel Klein said in a statement.

He was echoing his opposition expressed at a Senate hearing in Washington in March, at which he said big changes would be needed for the alliance to be given clearance.

Last night the BA spokeswoman said the Department of Justice view was not the final US decision. That would rest with the Department of Transportation.

''The Department of Justice analysis seems to seriously underestimate the potential benefits of a UK-US open skies agreement and the need for more competition between global alliances,'' she said.