AN independent report has criticised East Dunbartonshire councillors and officials for creating a stressful working environment for staff, writes John MacCalman, Municipal Correspondent.

The report by Greater Glasgow Health Board identified a number of stress sources dating to the re-organisation of local government in 1995/96.

Now, an all-party working group is being set up by the council to compile a protocol covering relations between management and staff, as well as councillors and staff.

Deputy leader Councillor Mike McCarron, said: ''It is a critical report. Quite considerable stress was experienced. by some staff. Some of the report is very critical of the council regarding both the management and the councillors.

''The council was concerned about the effect on staff of substantial reductions in staffing of around 400 posts, and service cuts, along with local government re-organisation.

''We commissioned an independent study through Greater Glasgow Health Board to conduct a number of focus groups among staff on the council to find out what their perception of the issues were.

''We have talked with the unions on how to work on the problems together and we'll certainly work out a protocol in which the way councillors are involved with officers is more realistic.''

According to Councillor McCarron, the report highlighted heavy workloads and the competing demands created when the workforce was reduced. That did create problems - pressures from management and from councillors, themselves under pressure from constituents to chase up complaints.