May 23, 1944

n THE Herald reported: ''The epic struggle of the Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto may one day rank with the exploits of the greatest martyrs in Jewish history, said Rabbi Kopul Rosen, communal rabbi of Glasgow, last night. When it was realised, he said, that Hitler's policy of exterminating the Jews was no idle boast, the Jews in Warsaw's largest ghetto decided upon a very definite plan of action. Unlike Jews in Russia 40 years earlier, Warsaw Jews were determined they would not run like mice, hide like insects, and be killed like dogs. They defended themselves to the last man and last cartridge with arms supplied by the Polish underground movement. It took the armed might of Germany to overcome them.

''Rabbi Rosen said that the atrocities being perpetrated by the Germans were without parallel. It had been publicly declared in Germany that no matter who won the war not a single Jew would be left in central Germany five minutes before the armistice. Hitler intended to fulfil that threat.''

n FOR the first time, representatives of Allied nations attended the ceremony of handing over the keys of Edinburgh to the Lord High Commissioner of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Present were representatives of Poland, France, Czechoslovakia, Norway, the United States, and the USSR.

n THE Herald also reported: ''Games for the young people of the China Inland Mission interned at Weihshien in the Shantung province of China, are being organised by Mr Eric Liddell, former Olympic Games runner and Scottish rugby international.''