n To plump for the sand-pit or the affections of the toddler in the snazzy Mothercare dungarees. Such are the conundrums facing our nursery generation. The mushrooming opinions of three and four year olds form the basis of new research published this week. Initiating this unusual research project is the national children's charity The Daycare Trust. In partnership with Familylife Solutions the UK's first National Childcare Week has been launched with those in the playground being canvassed for their opinions. A spokesperson from the Daycare Trust explained the thinking behind this research project. ''We represent the interests of both parents and children,'' she says. ''People should not confess surprise then when we give credence to the views of those at the forefront of childcare - the children themselves.'' She adds that the three and four-year-olds questioned had an overwhelming preference

for the friendships and outdoor facilities offered by daycare. The trust has already encouraged 100 MPs to visit its local daycare facilities to find out what can be done to improve them.

q The Daycare Trust is on 0171 405 5617.