A ROLLING programme of strike action starting today will close Glasgow's Mitchell Library and threatens to deprive book borrowers throughout Glasgow.

Representatives of around 300 librarians voted to take industrial action last week. The first five-day strike will affect the 67 staff at the Mitchell, Europe's biggest reference library, and then move to public lending ones in different areas of the city in the coming weeks.

Leaders of local government union, Unison, said the patience of librarians had ''snapped'' after a change in shift patterns and reduced working hours effectively led to a 5% pay cut and caused disruption to families.

They acknowledged the action could cripple services and cause disruption to the public, particularly school and university students who are studying for exams. But the union said it was crucial cuts and closures were halted.

Ms Angela Lynes, Unison's Glasgow branch secretary, said: ''Our librarians are extremely angry at the way they have been treated by Glasgow City Council. The public library service is an integral part of the community and provides a massive range of educational and recreational resources.''

She said it was hoped the public would support the action and write to MPs and councillors in protest at the council cuts.

The Scottish Lib Dems expressed concern at library closures, and blamed the Government for sticking to Tory spending cuts.

A council spokeswoman said it was disappointed Unison was taking this action, ''which will cause inconvenience to the public. The council will do its utmost to minimise any disruption.'' She said the Mitchell was expected to be closed from Tuesday to Saturday.

She acknowledged that there had been cuts to library services but said the department had not been specifically targeted. Libraries at Mosspark, Barlanark, Yoker, Springboig and Darnley have been closed and opening hours at others reduced.