MAY I add to your excellent profile of Ian Bannen (May 21)?

When working with the Dr Finlay team I asked Ian if he would consent to be interviewed by Playback, the recording service for the blind. In spite of a very busy work schedule he agreed immediately and waived any suggestion that the team came out to him on the set.

A few days later, he and Mrs Bannen made their way to St Vincent Street in Glasgow (where the Playback service was then housed), climbed the innumerable stairs to the top-floor studio, and, although obviously tired, he gave a long and interesting interview which later delighted the many visually-impaired listeners. He then toured the premises, leaving behind a charmed and impressed staff.

In my opinion, a distinguished Scottish actor like Ian Bannen is much more deserving of a knighthood than 007 Sean Connery.

Dr William O Thomson,

7 Silverwells Court, Bothwell.

May 25.