RON Ferguson's cynically passionate article (May 22) scorns the work of the counselling agencies such as the Samaritans, the Rape Crisis Centre, Victim Support, and others. If Ferguson has not suffered major and horrific tragedy in his own life, he is lucky.

Colonic irrigation, which he also attacks, is simply another word for enema - a traditional and ancient preparation for childbirth and major surgery, especially to the intestines. I find it objectionable that The Herald allowed these comments paid space. And I find in Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount and story of the Good Samaritan injunctions to give meaning to life by supporting others less fortunate than ourselves.

The ''search for meaning'', which Ferguson attacks with sarcasm, has been an attempt across the centuries by bereaved people or severely depressed people to extract some hope from events which defy description. Auschwitz, Dunblane, Lockerbie, Enniskillen all spring to mind.

Mr Ferguson should think again, and have another look at his Bible!

J Fitzpatrick,

21 Havelock Street, Glasgow.

May 23.