RECENT letters to The Herald have been a delight: we have had learned discourses on the Stewardship of the Schiltron Hundreds, and polemics for and against the formal teaching of English grammar. Unsurprisingly, the ''antis'' have crafted their letters with an eye to syntax and grammar which would have had old Fowler positively purring with pleasure, while some of the ''pros'' seemed to honour the rules more in the breach than the observance.

The general dumbing-down of academic and other standards has been widely deprecated, as ever, but on one subject there has been a curious silence - the dumbing-down of the Wee Stinker!

The Wee Stinker has been deodorised till it's not even mildly whiffy; whereas once the judges had to scour the rural fastnesses of Argyll or the Borders to find five winners (and who would have thought The Herald to have a large readership there?), now Glasgow postcodes feature prominently in the prize list. Stranger yet, the crossword has become so easy that even men get to win a T-shirt.

The compiler, not the crossword, is in bad odour. Fix it, soon.

William Haddow,

22 Keir Street, Glasgow.

May 26.