n Is your wisteria wilting, your fuchsia fading and your pansies going to pot? Then it's time to consult the experts.

Bring small plants or gardening artefacts for expert advice at the Great Gardening Celebrity Question Time in the Herald Q&A Theatre which is kitted out for the occasion by GP Landscapes.

Tickets for all shows are available from the box office adjacent to the Herald's Q&A Theatre.


11.30am-12.30pm: Waste Not Want Not - Flower arranging with Alison Bradly

1pm-2pm: The Myth and Magic of Herbs - Jekka McVicar, Jekka's Herb Farm

2.30pm-3.30pm: Great Gardening Celebrity Question Time - Bill Torrance, Carol Baxter, David Mitchell, Jekka McVicar and Lesley Watson


11am-noon: A Taste of Things to Come - Flower arranging with Alison Bradly

12.30-1.30pm: Great Gardening Celebrity Question Time - Lesley Watson, Carol Baxter, Alison Bradly and Jim McColl.

2-3pm: Potty on Pots - Dougal Philip and Lesley Watson

3.30-4pm: Grow for It - with Alison Craig


11am-noon: Great Gardening Celebrity Question Time - Lesley Watson, Carol Baxter, David Mitchell and Jim McColl.

12.30-1.30pm:All Muck and Wellies - Flower Arranging with Alison Bradly

2-3pm: Potty on Pots - Dougal Philip and Lesley Watson

3.30-4pm: Grow for It - with Alison Craig.

nFor changes to the timetable check at the theatre on the day.