MORTON last night reported Kilmarnock to both the SFA and the Scottish League. And they are demanding #500,000 for midfielder Alan Mahood, who is signing for the Rugby Park club.

The two clubs are now set to clash and Morton owner Hugh Scott said last night: ''I am willing to take this to court if necessary.''

Mahood's contract is up at the end of next month. Under the Bosman ruling, he is free to move on to another club then.

But last week Kilmarnock announced that they had agreed a three year deal with Mahood.

That has angered Scott, who said yesterday: ''We are disappointed that Kilmarnock have not adhered to the procedures laid down by the Bosman ruling. There is no pre-contract available in Scotland. I have written to both the SFA and the Scottish League pointing this out.

''I see from the release issued by Kilmarnock that they value Alan at #500,000 and this is the sum we want from them as a compensation fee.''

The rules of football's governing bodies following Bosman state that no ''registered player shall directly or indirectly communicate or approach with another club with a view to negotiating the transfer of himself during the currency of his contract.''

It is accepted that most clubs are talking to players whose contract will expire shortly as the season is now completed and no games are being played. But most are staying clear of making any signing announcement until the contract is completed.

q HIBERNIAN manager Alex McLeish yesterday defended his contract offer to Willie Miller and slated the player for having ''unrealistic'' wage demands.

McLeish was responding to comments from Miller, who said he was ''extremely disappointed'' with the offer he had received from the club. Miller, who has spent the last 12 years at Easter Road, also suggested that he would head for England if the new contract offer wasn't improved.

McLeish said: ''I don't want to get involved in a slagging match with Willie, but I feel the offer made to him is a good one. Willie had been offered a new deal last October, but he rejected that and said that he would wait until the summer before discussing terms.

''Willie and his agent then came in and asked us to make an offer which we did, only for Willie's agent, Jim McArthur, to appear and tell us that the bottom line was more than double that offer.''

Miller now looks certain to quit Edinburgh, but McLeish insists the door is still open for the 28-year-old to stay at the club.