OPPONENTS of the Scottish Nationalists rounded on them with glee yesterday, in the wake of The Herald/System Three poll showing that they had yet to make the decisive breakthrough in persuading Scots to opt for independence, writes Robbie Dinwoodie, Scottish Political Correspondent.

Scottish Secretary Donald Dewar responded to the 34% rating in support for independence, with 58% against and 8% undecided, saying: ''The poll is a welcome endorsement of the Government's devolution legislation.

''The Scots said it in May, they said it in September and they're saying it now - they want devolution and they believe the Scottish Parliament is the best way forward for Scotland.

''Labour will make the Parliament work for Scotland, delivering on jobs, health and education. The SNP is only interested in getting the Parliament to work for them to attempt to advance their separatist agenda.''

The Scottish Liberal Democrats' campaigns chairman, Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale MP Michael Moore, commented: ''This poll indicates the SNP's opinion poll rating is essentially a protest vote against New Labour.

''The Scottish Liberal Democrats respect the verdict Scottish voters gave at both the General Election and the referendum, last year. We are committed to making the Parliament work for Scotland, focusing on the policies that matter, rather than on more constitutional navel-gazing.''

This theme was taken up in similar terms by Scottish Conservative chairman Raymond Robertson, who said: ''The fact that the overwhelming majority of Scots do not share the SNP's obsession with destroying the UK will be difficult for Alex Salmond to stomach.

''His party has been obsessed with constitutional navel-gazing and far less interested in the issues that really matter.''