IT WOULD appear that our new Scottish Parliament will continue the London practice of being the preserve of the rich and wealthy removed from the realities of everyday life for ordinary people in Scotland. The current public row over the level of payment for members of the Scottish Parliament is so unedifying.

While millions wait in desperate hope for a national minimum wage to be introduced that can raise them out of the poverty swamp of low wages, the major parties debate whether the MSP salary should be set at the #45,000 per year London level, or lower for those elected under the PR element.

Incredibly, none of the parties question the continuation of the #45,000 salary, #12,000 constituency home maintenance, and #47,000 office allowance. The combined income of an MP currently is in excess of #100,000 per year. Of course, there is always enough money in the kitty for massive salary increases for these bastions of society but never enough to provide decent pensions for our pensioners, wages for our nurses, or benefits for our young people.

Average weekly earnings for full-time workers in Great Britain today are #369.20. The average manual wage is less while the non-manual wage is more. The average female wage is less while the average male wage is more. However, this is the average wage of all workers. This represents an annual salary of just under #19,000 per year.

To prevent the continued and justified accusations levelled against politicians for simply being involved for the monetary gain, surely it is time to institute an average worker's wage as far as members of the Scottish Parliament are concerned. Certainly genuine expenses for offices, researchers, and travel should be provided but they must be audited and published on a six-monthly basis in order to improve accountability of MSPs to their electorate.

Let our new Scottish Parliament put its money where its mouth is in relation to improving the image of full-time politicians. Just under #19,000 a year is not a poor salary and would still allow MSPs to lead comfortable lives. It would ensure, however, that they remained closer to the everyday reality of ordinary workers throughout Scotland. Next May let's elect workers' MPs on workers' wages.

Councillor Tommy Sheridan,


Scottish Socialist Alliance,

c/o City Chambers,

George Square, Glasgow.

May 19.