Evidence that volleyball is booming at youth level will be provided by the Perth and Kinross Junior Open at the Bell's Sports Centre in Perth tomorrow. A record entry of 140 teams from primary seven upwards has been received with schools entering from all over Scotland.

Troon's Marr College has entered 19 teams and there are first-time entries from Aberdeenshire's Alford Academy, East Lothian's Preston Lodge High and Greenfaulds Academy (Cumbernauld).

The festival has been going since 1992 when 90 teams entered and the tournament has continued to expand through support from Team Sport Scotland and Perth and Kinross Council. The tournament will feature matches indoors and out and will underline the success of the festival format which has been promoted in recent years.

The Scottish Schools Cups were a casualty of the teachers' dispute of the mid-eighties but volleyball has fought back.

The game is again strong in the schools and the setting up of a junior national league at the start of last season has helped keep young talent in the game.

Another area where the Scottish Volleyball Association (SVA) has made strides in recent years is with Standard and Higher Grade courses for teachers.

The SVA have hosted eleven courses and a total of 265 teachers have gone through the system.

The most recent course held this month looked at improving tactics and technique in the game and also how to analyse performance.

In this way, the SVA is getting the message across in schools and it hopes to reap the benefit in future years.