Championship and relegation issues remain unresolved as shinty's main competitions go to the wire.

Perth-based Tayforth, however, secured their place in this year's play-off for a position in the premier league next season when they overcame Ballachulish's challenge at Perth, winning by four goals to three.

Having taken the lead, Ballachulish squandered far too many chances. Tayforth held their nerve better and two goals each from Barry Dallas and Donald MacInnes were enough to see them through.

Caberfeidh turned the tables on North Division 1 favourites Kilmallie, out-playing them in their crucial clash at Kinnetas Park. Cabers' 2-0 lead was never in danger from half-time. Duncan MacDougall netted a third which gave the Strathpeffer side a cushion although Alex MacVicar netted late on for Kilmallie.

Cabers' win means that they have completed their league programme and now have to wait to see how Kilmallie fare in their last two games. Kilmallie need to win both to clinch the title by a point.

At the foot of the Premier league, Glenorchy and Inveraray both failed to make anything of Saturday's games and they now head for a shoot-out at Dalmally on Saturday. Glen came closest to securing the points they need for survival, forcing Fort William all the way at An Aird. Fort's Victor Smith netted all four for the home team with Keith MacIntyre, Magnus MacFarlane Barrow and John Smith scoring for Glen.

Inveraray's indiscipline cost them dear again, with Andrew Watt being sent off after 65 minutes against Oban Camanachd. Oban scored all five of their goals in the second period after Stewart Campbell put Inveraray ahead. Duncan Gibson got two, Dougie and Daniel MacIntyre one each and Gareth Evans the fifth as the Camanachd Cup finalists warmed up for their big day a week on Saturday.

If Glenorchy defeat Inveraray this weekend there will be a three way tie at the foot and multiple play-offs will be required as Inveraray, Glenorchy and Glenurquhart will all be level on nine points.

Glengarry won the North Second Division championship with a stirring victory over Newtonmore at the Eilan. In a winner take all situation, the game swung both ways. Glen took the lead before Newtonmore established their superiority. However, Glen hit back and Martin Paterson's equaliser in 65 minutes was enough to give them the point they needed to win the title on the last game.

q It has been confirmed that the Camanachd Cup final at Oban a week on Saturday will not now be a double header with league points at stake. It had been floated that Kingussie and Oban could play for league points as well to eliminate the need for a meaningless league match. However, this has now been rejected.