Daily poem

An everyday experience treated with a certain philosophical deftness. Neil Powell is a freelance writer who lives in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. His Collected Poems, from which this one comes, are published by Carcanet at #8.95.


By Neil Powell

I gather that I live beyond my means.

'DR', the statement stutters: short for 'drat',

I'd like to think, or maybe even 'drunk'.

No such luck: the message, clear enough,

Is more-diluted special-offer scotch,

The twelve-year-old malt banished to the past.

Outside, the mortgaged world is freezing hard,

And I at last ironically a 'member'

Of a Building Society! Will it help or matter

That this one has a poet on its board?

By all accounts, our poems will be worth

As little as our love, less than our shares.