IT is difficult to comprehend how the two convicted nurses in Saudi Arabia while allegedly being subjected to brutal and repressive treatment were not only able to maintain diaries recording details of their ill-treatment but were also allowed to retain these records upon their release from durance vile.

Donald Clark

15 Middlepenny Road, Langbank.

May 22.

TO date the $1.7m promised to Frank Gilford still remains in an Australian bank. Could not the money about to be paid to the two released nurses by the newspapers be used instead? This would enable the lodged $1.7m to be returned to the individuals who were, for whatever reason, willing to pay for the release of the two women.

No doubt, there will still be enough money left in the nurses' bank accounts after the film, books, and television documentaries have realised their potential. Perhaps, if their conscience is bothering them, they may consider making a small donation of $1.7m to the thousands of innocent people in the world who are dying through lack of food and water.

Barbara Murray,

Dunan, Corriegills, Isle of Arran. May 23.