YOUNG film fans may be thrilled by big budget special effects movies - but their first love is golden oldies, according to a survey today.

A poll of 16 to 25-year-olds placed the romantic blockbuster Gone With The Wind at the top of the all-time top five films. The 1939 epic narrowly edged ahead of Bogart and Ingrid Bergman's Casablanca, in the poll carried out on behalf of Burger King.

The result shows romantic leading men such as Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart are more likely to be idolised then current heart-throbs like Leonardo DiCaprio.

However, many of the 1400 voters will not have even seen the classic films - only the famous posters and some of the dramatic clips, admits Mr Anthony Edwards, publicity consultant responsible for the poll.

He said: ''They came top because they are cult movies. But I think many of the youngsters would not have seen the films themselves, they just know the poster and know about the films and some of the lines.

''Gone with the Wind and Casablanca are the most famous films ever made - because they have been around so long everyone knows about them.''