SHARES in Mirror Group are expected to climb today as the City digests takeover speculation surrounding the company.

Investors and dealers are waiting for further news about a

possible bid by German media group Axel Springer Verlag

On Friday, when trading on the Stock Exchange had closed, it was announced that Springer was considering a number of opportunities which ''might or might not'' lead to an offer for Mirror Group.

Mirror Group shares rose sharply last week on the back of takeover speculation. Analysts believe they will climb further after the German company's


At Friday's closing share price of 218p, Mirror Group has a stock market value of #991m, raising the prospect of a #1000m-plus bid.

As well as The Mirror newspaper, Mirror Group also publishes the Sunday Mirror, the Sunday People, the Daily Record and the Sunday Mail, and operates cable TV channel Live TV.

Last year it moved into regional newspaper publishing with the #297m takeover of Midland Independent

Newspapers (MIN).

Springer is Germany's biggest newspaper publisher, with titles including Bild Zeitung and Die Welt.