YOUR editorial today about having the Scottish Parliament and council elections on the same day is welcome in airing this important subject further, but ignores some relevant arguments.

Having the voting in the two elections on the same day means the two campaigns will be simultaneous. The essential messages about the importance of the new Parliament and the various parties' policies and priorities for it will compete for the public's attention with the usual and important issues arising from each party's campaigns in each council's election.

Holding the two elections on the same day may increase the number of votes, but also increase the number of confused votes. The Parliament deserves a campaign and polling day of its own.

If the council elections were postponed for a year, it would give time for the Scottish Parliament to introduce PR elections of councils, using the single transferable vote in multi-member wards, in time for an election in May 2000. This would create a beneficial revolution in Scottish local government, well worth waiting a year for.

Donald Gorrie, MP,

Liberal Democrat Local Government


House of Commons.

May 26.