HIGHLIGHTS of the Edinburgh International Festival are to be beamed into homes around the world in the largest arts transmission of its kind, writes Annette McCann.

Radical plans to put video footage of the performing and visual arts on the Internet are to be backed up by giant outdoor screens which are to be erected in Princes Street Gardens.

The eight-hour daily shows may also be taken to Glasgow and Dundee via public screens, with both city councils expressing an interest. The facility will also allow for some live transmissions.

The extravaganza, which is being marketed under the label Festival Revue, has attracted the backing of major companies, including Sony, who will provide the 11sq metre screens.

More than #500,000 in sponsorship has already been raised for the programme which will feature worldwide premieres and contributions from big name bands such as U2.

The shows and website will be free to the public but the organisers said they were confident it would not affect ticket sales.

Paul Blyth, the managing director of the Midlothian-based broadcast company behind the event, C5TVC, said the aim was to make the programme more accessible.

He said: ''The Edinburgh Festival has become almost a victim of its own success in that members of the public can find it very difficult to decide what to go and see. I do not think that it will stop people from coming as we cannot replicate the atmosphere of a real live show.''

If the extravaganza proves to be a success, the organisers plan to take the festival highlights to London and New York next year.