ALMOST every baby starts off in life experimenting with building blocks, and this initial fascination grows ever stronger as the child gets older. That's why building sites are inevitably regarded as fascinating places to play. There's all the excitement of the original small toys but this time on a much larger scale.

However, the very real danger of being around contruction work is seldom high on child's priority list.

That's why Beazer Homes has been running its initiative on action education with safety as the focal point. To launch the latest phase in the Gladiators Safety Campaign, pupils from St Vincent's Primary School, Carnwadric Primary School and Thornliebank Primary School, in Glasgow, were invited to the company's Regent's Park development in Thornliebank.

The popular televison characters feature on an extensive poster campaign which will involve schools and Beazer building sites throughout the country. Leaflets setting out the aims of the initiative will be distributed to homes near all of the company's sites.

In this current phase of the campaign, pupils at 28 schools will take part in a colouring competition featuring a Gladiators poster. The entries will be judged in two categories: five to seven-year-olds and eight to 11-year-olds, with the winners going forward to take part in a national final to design a safety poster for the future.

Beazer's sales director Anne Marie Britton said: ''Building sites are undoubtedly interesting and intriguing places for children. We feel it is part of our responsibility to dispel any mysticism that surrounds them and stress the important fact that building sites really are not playgrounds.

''Beazer Homes began its safety campaign 10 years ago, and we will continue to promote site safety in the future, as there is no room for complacency.''

No doubt the pupils at the three primary schools involved in the launch will agree, now that they are aware of the very real hidden dangers of playing near large machinery or quantities of building materials.

The Regent's Park development at Thornliebank, in Glasgow, features three and four bedroom homes at prices from #68,695. Telephone 0141 621 0948 between 11am-5.30pm for more detailed information.