The IRA must make the first move before loyalist paramilitaries begin handing over weapons, the loyalist representatives said last night.

Despite an amnesty protecting terrorists from prosecution, the conditions were still not right for the handing over of arms and explosives, according to the Ulster Democratic Party, which speaks for the UDA and UFF.

''The ball is in the IRA's court. Any speculation about loyalist disarmament while the IRA remains armed is very much wishful thinking,'' said UDP leader Gary McMichael.

He was speaking after one hour of talks with the head of the international decommissioning body, General John De Chastelain.

Mr McMichael said the meeting was constructive and another would be held soon.

''This is all part of the ongoing process. We have always taken a responsible attitude on this issue but people should not expect loyalists to decommission while the IRA remain fully armed and have not even declared the end of the conflict,'' he said. ''We would like the IRA to declare the war is over. If they did then it would clear the way for progress.''

It has emerged terrorists who hand over arms and explosives are to be given immunity from prosecution, with paramilitary groups given a special code word to authenticate any consignment of weapons being transferred.

A security forces escort during transfer will be available and those transporting guns or explosives will also have immunity from prosecution. There will be no forensic tests on guns to try to link them with past murders.

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