the mars mystery

by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and John Grigsby

Michael Joseph, #16.99

SUB-TITLED A Tale of the End of Two Worlds, it will undoubtedly come all too easily to some immediately to scoff at and

dismiss The Mars Mystery as

entertaining but sensationalist nonsense - an entertaining potpourri of half-baked populist science and New Age theories of ancient civilisations masquerading as scientific fact.

This has been the response in recent years to other books of this kind - works which fundament-ally challenge our perception of the universe, our religion, our civilisation. It is a response which has come from scientific establishments, from governments, from the high-priesthoods of established religions. From those, in fact, who would have much to lose if there was a deeper truth lurking out there, somewhere, in the dark cosmos.

It is from this cosmos, Hancock, Bauval, and Grigsby contend, that a horrible truth may emerge. A truth which has been lent frightening validity by scientists and astronomers - a truth so awesome that many choose to ignore it.

It is a warning - a warning that Earth, cradle of our civilisation, could suffer complete and utter destruction only a few short years into our New Millennium - a fate which the

planet Mars suffered.

Mars, scientists have found, was laid waste with such violence that even its geological formation was put totally out of kilter. The agent of this destruction may have been a comet. Such a fate may await Earth.

High resolution photographs of parts of the surface of Mars - the so-called Cydonia area - have revealed a mysterious, enormous ''face'', which bears an uncanny resemblance to the face of the Sphinx on the Giza plateau in Egypt. Structures resembling the pyramids on Giza have also been detected. Only further planned probes to the Red Planet will settle the on-going argument among scientists as to whether these structures on Mars are merely the result of erosion or tricks of light and shade - or the work of a civilisation which may once have thrived on the planet before it was utterly destroyed.

Did some shattered remnants of this civilisation find sanctuary on Earth? Were the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx erected thousands of years ago as a

warning to us of what fate may shortly befall us from the heavens - a warning from a civilisation which had precise knowledge of the complexity of the cosmos and the threat it poses?

The warnings may be out there - but are we prepared to take them seriously?