A HOSPITAL has treated a Lith-uanian man who was facing life in a wheelchair, writes Aine Harrington.

The Bon Secours in Glasgow acted after the case of Martynas Kolodzeiskis, 23, was brought to its attention by a Scottish Carmelite nun, Sister Ann Marie, living in Lithuania.

Without an operation, unavailable in Lithuania, to correct the alignment of two vertebrae, Mr Kolodzeiskis and his wife Rusne, 24, were told his prognosis was not good. There was a risk of paralysis within two years.

Last summer, Sister Ann Marie contacted her sister, Kathleen MacDonald, a nurse living in Glasgow, who told the story to the Sisters of Bons Secours. They agreed to help.

The hospital and the Carmelite Sisters arranged for Mr and Mrs Kolodzeiskis and their six-month-old son to be brought to Glasgow last Wednesday.

The next day, Mr Kolodzeiskis had a grafting operation to realign the vertebrae. Doctors hope he will make a full recovery and be able to resume his degree course in graphic design.

He said yesterday: ''We are so very grateful to everybody who has made this happen and to the hospital staff who have looked after me so well.''

His wife is staying with Kathleen MacDonald and her husband, Jack. She said: :''It is amazing how generous they have been. Now they are like family to us.''