The two Swedish manufacturers are noted for their high quality engineering, although they approach the business of car manufacture in quite differently detailed ways. An executive car from Sweden is regarded in some quarters as being more of a ''neutral'' choice than one from the Continental heartland.

Saab continues to do good business with the older 9000 series, although the 9-5 is a more modern approach to the design of this

particular class of car. The 9000's strong points of lavish passenger room and luggage space obviously still appeal.

The 9-5 comes with turbo-charged engines throughout, and there is quite a strong case to be made for saying that the two-litre ought to be just about enough for anyone, because this lowest-capacity car in the range feels extremely well balanced on the road.

In all its present forms, the 9-5 is fine long distance transport, a car which never feels under stress.

Saab enthusiasts have been champing at the bit to get a sight of the newest 9-5 with its pioneering asymmetric turbocharger system. However, pressure on the factory to satisfy the order bank for existing models has meant that the latest turbo design will not start to roll off the production lines until after the holiday period.

A look at a Volvo model list shows how astonishingly many executive saloons and estates the Gothenburg company offers.

The S90 and V90 are the biggest cars in the range, all fitted with three-litre engines, and with trim and equipment levels which go beyond the usual SE, CD and Executive specifications to an unashamedly titled Luxury.

The S70 and V70 are upgraded, effectively next-generation versions of the previous 850 which did so much to bring Volvo more into the ''driver's car'' category.

They include several variants out of the mainstream, including the only bi-fuel petrol/LPG car on regular sale in this country, a storming 2.5-litre turbo all-wheel drive affair, and a slightly detuned four-wheel drive V70 XC estate which is built with a higher ground clearance for moderate off-tarmac work.

Volvo's most exclusive car is the attractive C70 coupe. This excellent styling job is a collaboration between Volvo's in-house staff and Ian Callum's team at TWR Design.