n THE Herald reported: ''From letters received in Greenock, we learn that the Wickham, revenue cutter, Captain Beatson, has captured on the Irish coast a fine American smuggling schooner, from Philadelphia, laden with tobacco.''

n THE Herald also reported, from Glasgow: ''We learn with regret that the exhibition of Mr Haydon's grand historical picture of ''Christ's Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem'' will close here in a few days. We would therefore recommend to the tasteful part of our townspeople, and, indeed, to the public in general, not to lose this opportunity of viewing one of the most sublime works of art that ever adorned this country.

''The worthy author of such an exalted production richly merits the patronage of all enlightened minds, for whether we consider the greatness of the design, the beauty of the colouring and execution, or the superior knowledge of the expression, all alike claims our admiration for its superior excellence.

''We cannot but rejoice at being favoured with such a rich intellectual feast, while we hail it as the dawning of a day devoted to the fine arts in this country, which we hope to see gradually approach to a glorious meridian - See Advertisement.''

n A DEATH notice intimated: ''At Rome, on the 20th April, Lt General Read. His death was occasioned by poison administered by a Venetian servant, whom he had hired at Paris, and who was afterwards found to have been seven years in the galleys.''