CONTRARY to your report (May 21) the Israel Ambassador, Dr Dror Zeigerman, was not present when the criticisms of Israel were voiced at the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland the previous day. As guest of the Lord High Commissioner he witnessed only the earlier part of the day's proceedings.

As the following debate, at which I was present, there was unbalanced emphasis on the alleged disabilities of Palestinians. While some speakers made cogent attacks on Israeli treatment of some Arabs, there was no mention of the fact that Israel is the sole democracy in the area, with an effective judiciary, and that Israelis themselves voice concern at any breach of human rights.

Every facility is given to world newspapers, radio and television media to voice abroad unfavourable reports and criticisms of Israel. There is no Arab country where this happens; indeed, it is notorious that correspondents in these countries dare not write on violations.

The problems of the area are severe, but not wholly intractable as Palestinian autonomy slowly emerges. While the emotional impact of accounts of Arab suffering is strong, the lack of perception of the security and other problems faced by Israel exacerbates the frustration on both sides.

Much more helpful and effective were the Assembly's expressions of encouragement of the search for a just accommodation which will recognise the undoubted rights of both protagonists in the troubled land.

Dr Ezra Golombok,

Director, Israeli Information

Office in Scotland,

222 Fenwick Road,


May 21.