THE Free Church yesterday voted to hold a special assembly later this year to negotiate peace between warring factions in the church.

The Rev Professor Donald Macleod called for a ''ceasefire'' in an emotional speech to its General Assembly in Edinburgh.

Professor Macleod, who is at the centre of the controversy, said: ''The Free Church has been compared to Northern Ireland and perhaps I represent Gerry Adams and the Republicans.'' He and his wife and family had felt under threat since 1993. He said every Free Church assembly since then had centred upon him.

The church is deeply divided between supporters and opponents of Professor Macleod, who was declared to be victim of a church ''conspiracy'' by Sheriff John Horsburgh in May 1996 when he acquitted him at Edinburgh Sheriff Court of charges alleging he molested five women.

Every congregation in the Free Church will be invited to be represented at the special assembly, which will be chaired by this year's Moderator, the Rev Donald Macleod, formerly of Kingussie Free Church.