WHEN Glasgow marketing consultant George Paterson decided to review his house and car insurance, he ended up saving #367 - but not without effort.

When he spotted adverts for Saga insurance, he decided to see how competitive it was on home insurance.

Paterson runs his own business, Million Management, and as he is in his late sixties is part of Saga's target audience.

''My house and contents insurance was up, and it came up with a price of #341, which was an incredibly good price as I was paying #577. They sent me the papers, and I checked through them very thoroughly, which was just as well.''

Saga had quoted by phone for a three-bedroom house, not Paterson's four-bedroom, and he had not been asked how many bedrooms the house had.

When he queried the quote by phone, Saga said the extra bedroom ''would not affect the premiums''.

But when the new documents arrived, complete with standard letter from managing director Kevin Coyne, the total premium had jumped to #506, plus a further #67 for belongings away from home.

''I phoned up and said I wanted to know why for one extra bedroom it should jump by over #150.

''Nobody could give me an answer.''

''A call to Kevin Coyne, the managing director, resulted in me being diverted to a customer services assistant, who assured me that she had full 'decision-making powers'.

''Having worked for a company where customer care existed, Marks & Spencer, I felt I was given the brush-off when they had made a mistake.''

Undaunted, Paterson shopped around thoroughly and obtained a quote from General Accident for #510. ''Some insurers I tried were as high as #800.''

He then decided to see whether he could improve on Saga's #137 quote for cover on his belongings away from home.

''I got a quote from Travellers insurance for #90 which I thought was good.''

Finally, impressed with the results so far, he reviewed his motor insurance.

''My car had been done by a broker for years. I tried everybody and eventually, for the price of a few telephone calls, I saved #300 with Kwik-Fit.''