SCOTLAND'S breakaway pioneers will have their final meeting today before resigning from the League this week and setting off on their great new venture as the Premier League.

The meeting is expected to report good progress on the attempts to secure sponsorship and TV backing for the new top 10 division and, over the next four years, the clubs hope to attract around #20m from marketing. During this time the premiership will move to 12 or more clubs, probably ending up with 16.

The chairmen who meet in Edinburgh today know there is not a great deal of time left before the start of the new season for them to get the show up and running. They had to deal with a prolonged argument with their fellow members of the Scottish League before they were given clearance to resign and set up their own division. Next they had to get their plans approved by the SFA, this was given a couple of weeks ago and paved the way for the final step to be taken this week.

When the break is made, Scotland's 30 remaining senior clubs will be on their own in the Scottish league but with a guarantee of funds from the Premier teams.

The introduction of youth sides instead of reserve teams will be part of the top 10's plans but the precise arrangements will be made clearer once the official company is free from its former parent body.

qKILMARNOCK are heading for record season ticket sales which will net the club #1.5m.

Rugby Park officials reckon more than 5000 fans will buy tickets before the start of the season. That will give Killie manager Bobby Williamson much-needed cash to strengthen his first-team before their initial match in the qualifying round of the UEFA Cup. The ambitious Ayrshire side finished fourth in last season's premier division campaign which saw them qualify for European football.

Williamson is determined his side will play a big part in the new Premiership and wants to bring in quality players, after the loss of Jim McIntyre and Mark Reilly in recent weeks.

The Rugby Park manager has already signed Alan Mahood and has targeted Tommy Coyne and Ian Durrant as possible additions to his playing staff.